Hi, my name is

Nivin S Vysakh

I like to Learn New Skills !

A passionate : Web developer | Discord Bot developer | Open Source Contributor

About Me 👑

I am a 16 yr web developer | Discord BOT Developer . I am a tec person who loves coding and Gaming.

Currently looking to collaborate with others & Learing NewSkills.

My Skills
  • HTML
  • Astro.js
  • HUGO
  • Python
  • C
  • Lua

My Works 🌌

📰 | Hugo Blog
Hugo Blog
📰 | Hugo Blog
A Blog Webiste Made from Scratch with the Help of Hugo .
🌑 | Xelyer
Discord JokeBot Discord.py
🌑 | Xelyer
My First Discord Bot from scratch with discord.py
🤖 | Chat Bot
Discord ChatGPT Discord.py
🤖 | Chat Bot
My Second Discord Bot with Chat-GPT Turbo and Discord.py .

Message Me 📫

My inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I’ll try my best to get back to you!